It’s easy to collect data that we may deem important, but what to do next with the data will stop many people in their tracks. The goal of understanding data is to be able to use it in a meaningful way. For companies, that may mean product and consumer insights, market trends or even creating memorable experiences for consumers. Data is there to inform companies, to help aid them in the creation process.
“Whether it’s the client side or the supplier side, really looking for what is next and how they can follow opportunity consumer trends and insights and understand what to do with the data, because we have a lot of different types of data and tracking, and how to use it to develop new products and services and create memorable experiences for their clients.” Utilizing technology is a huge benefit in today’s marketing world because it is able to connect different streams of data together to give a more solid answer to the question.
Even through the pandemic, we have seen companies persevere and push toward continuous development. Using data, they are able to continue moving forward in an economy that is falling on hard times. Inflation is running rampant, and money is a common issue for many, but companies are determined to not fail. By utilizing technology, they are able to gather and combine data to view market trends and keep the momentum going.
“The merger of all those parameters or attributes and skill sets, will bring future success to the research industry and stay relevant by building those relationships with marketing and strategy and product and client experience and influencing the direction of the corporate world.”
The future of data won’t be going anywhere. Especially with the new technology that is being put out, we are able to more fully understand the data we are collecting. Companies won’t stop investing in the marketing or behavioral research fields, if anything, they will invest more because it is important to the future health of any company to continuously research and develop. If we are able to combine technology with the data, there will be more success in the field, meaning more success for the companies that are utilizing it. Bringing this into the 21st century means more success in the corporate world.
Seth Adler heads up All Things Insights & All Things Innovation. He has spent his career bringing people together around content. He has a dynamic background producing events, podcasts, video, and the written word.
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