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The Marketing Analytics and Data Science (MADS) and All Things Insights community completed an extensive survey covering what executives are thinking, how they’re spending and the issues they face.
Our analytics and data science community has a solid core of top-level leaders along with a fair share of ‘front-lines’ operators. More respondents are ‘people managers’ than ‘individual contributors.’ The community is spread across several different industries with a fair share of large organizations represented along with some smaller companies.
Respondents feel strongly that analytics and data science are becoming more integrated into both corporate and operational decision making. It’s interesting that there is a near 10% delta in favor of corporate decision-making being more integrated. The difference might have roots in industry distinctions of respondents. But perhaps it also might have to do with operational leaders having to deal with the inherent pitfalls of actual integration. The overt positive is that integration is happening for the majority.
In these results, analytics and data science leaders seem to be saying that they see how their actions could influence organizational growth. Infusing the enterprise with understanding, governance and then ultimately democratization through perhaps the adding of additional new tools is the way forward. Data transformation and augmented analytics are happily big picture, forward thinking initiatives that showcase the analytics and data science discipline playing an integral role in the advancement of global corporate enterprise.
The past has featured hard work. The present features the opportunity to engage in the democratization of data and provide analytics inspired insights to business leaders in a way that helps drive business impact and value. The future is bright for those that continue to work and build in the present.